This video is the perfect glimpse of life in downtown Somoto. We've got oxen, firewood salesmen, motorcycles, bikes, people, and regular cars. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Slurping and Spitting at the Beneficio... Apparently Sideways!
This is Justin... Emily, Jeff Brooks and I did some serious slurping, spitting and sniffing of coffee (otherwise known as "cupping") at the Beneficio Las Segovias in the town of Ocotal, Nuevo Segovia in Nicaragua a few days ago. This short video gives you a look at what we did for more than an hour as we attempted to zero in on which coffee we wanted to walk away with from the finca "Un Regal de Dios" of Luis Alberto Balladeros.
A beneficio is a place where coffees are processed for roasting and prepared for exportation. A finca is simply the Spanish word for farm. Luis is a pastor and a business man. His vision for his business is very similar to what Emily and I desire to do in that they give a hefty portion of their yearly profits away to provide for a better life in the immediate community, but more importantly, to build the kingdom of God. For example, this year Luis took his profits and bought a slew of mountain worthy motorcycles for area pastors who live up in the mountains. It can take as much as a day for a mountain pastor to walk to town and back. A motorcycle that can go where cars cannot (and even where the government refuses to go) can go a long way in spreading the Gospel and meeting the needs of the people.
At the end of our time cupping we chose a coffee and then had it vacuum packed in 20lb increments so that we could transport it back to the States. We pùrchased 120lbs of what I expect will be a very popular coffee (though short lived).The funniest thing about all this is that we had NO IDEA what in the world we were doing. These guys were very gracious as they´re used to doing this with seasoned coffee cuppers who come to their beneficio to buy large quantities. Incidentally, while we were there they loaded and shipped a 20,000lb container of Cup of Excellence winning coffees to the USA. These guys are in the big time, but their heart are for the Kingdom! 90% of their employees are born-again Christians. The atmosphere there is tremendous!
Enjoy... and put in your ear plugs!Sweet Photos on Our Coffee Website.
This is Justin... we are back in Managua and are heading out for a day of relaxation at the colonial town of Granada. I posted some cool photos and an entry about our day at the coffee Beneficio on our Carabello Coffee website. Check them out here: More soon!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Justin´s dream day
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The angels rejoice today!
Emily on Monday am
This is Emily... while Justin has been sharing, the other Emily and I have started painting a mural on the bus. It´s an interesting thing because we have NO idea if it will stick to the bus or peel off. We are hoping to seal it and make it stay. There are 4 boys who are really interested in art that have been assigned to us to help us. We have to keep it simple, so we are painting a garden scene with a bike and a tree (we think!) around the words Jardin del ninos. That is the actual name of the orphanage, which is garden of children. The boys are really excited about helping us, so we are letting them do as much as possible without sacrificing the success of the project!
Hombres Para Dios
- How many women you have
- Your ability to exercise manipulation and control over women
- Your ability to make enough money so that you can buy your woman everything she wants and keep her indebted to you and controlled by you
Friday, June 24, 2011
The perspective of a ¨first¨.
I met the Lord´s precious ones right in the middle of a trash dump. The vultures surround the dump half a mile high, and the stench of burning trash stays with you all day. Yet in the middle of it all many have called it home. Dirt floors and one bed for who knows how many, but they all seem happy and somewhat content. Some, unfortunately were not as content and gave in to sniffing glue to get out of there world.. Broke my heart.
Each adult or child were thankful to see us. We prayed for a few, gave out some blowpops, Sprees, Bibles and gave big hugs to the filthy, yet adorable children. Many had health issues. There was a new clinic that had a long line of people waiting for treatment. We had to leave somewhat abruptly due to potential danger with likely gangs.
Seeing it all gives me a new perspective on who the ¨first¨ really are and who are the ¨last¨. The Lord says That many of the first will be last, and the last will be first. I realize that a lot of these people, although malnourished and at the very bottom seem to be the ones to have the most faith. They are much more likely to have faith in Jesus Christ and proclaim Him as Lord and Savior than some of the most provided for. I believe, without a doubt, that we Americans are who the Lord referred to when He said the first will be last. Is it not true that in America, where religion is everywhere and the gospel message has gone all around, that it seems very hard to spread seed on good soil. Yet in an impoverished and broken society, many sprint through the narrow door to find salvation.
Although I still take for granted so much of what I have, I give the Lord praise for all the rich blessings i have. These precious ones, the beloved of the Lord are so thankful for anything they receive, and I believe that the Lord stretches out His hand to provide for them. The poorest of the poor in America are rich compared to the poor in Nicaragua.
Let us take hold of the fact that we are the ¨first¨ in this life and break out of the mold. We must never forget what we have. Let´s kick it up a notch in our generosity to the ¨lasts¨.
Lord, give us clean hands and contrite hearts. Awaken our nation to the fact that we are not the norm around the world, and give us grace to never let our faith be distorted by our riches.
Dios De Vendiga!
Day two
This is Emily writing. Today we mostly spent our time traveling from Managua-the capitol to Somoto where the orphanage is. We sweated our way to the orphanage, which took about 5 hours. It pours rain for several hours each day, which after the extreme humidity actually feels really good. BUT...we couldn´t fit all our stuff into the van, and when we strapped it on, it started pouring. So we had to drive to the store to buy a huge tarp and strap that on top of our bags. It took us longer than hoped, but we all arrived safely. It´s awesome-we caught every plane, every bag arrived, and all our stuff stayed decently dry. I was worried about the art supplies getting ruined.
I wanted to include some pictures from our trip to the dump yesterday, and let Dan tell his perspective on it.
Daughter, Bride, Wife
I just want to share a very brief word the Lord gave me yesterday for the women´s conference I will be a part of on Saturday. As the rest of our team was touring the Managua dump and feeding programs with Perry Brown of Samaritan International, I stayed at the hotel to spend time in prayer and preparing for the speaking I will be doing. The Lord was with me in such an unusually strong way during these four hours that I am still taken back by it. I began to feel the tiniest bit of His heart for these people and was deeply crying out for Him to bring me into the fullness of it as much as I can bear.
As I was praying for the women, the Lord dropped "Daughter, Bride, Wife" into my heart and began showing me things about these three particular identities. Daugther is the place of dependence, Bride is the place of awakened love and Wife is the place of oneness. In each, the Lord develops and reveals specific things not only about the uniqueness of a woman, but also about Himself and about His heart. I don´t really have the time to go into depth now, but I truly believe that He is developing a word specifically for these 25 women that we will be ministering to on Saturday. I am extremely encouraged!
I have a stirring in my heart to see these women built up in their knowledge of how significant they are to the Father and to Jesus and to be brought into the fullness of Their love for them as daughter, bride and wife. I believe that the Father wants them to know how much He delights in them as His precious daugthers and how much joy they bring to His heart. I believe that Jesus wants them to know the burning love of the Bridegroom and how much "the King desires their beauty" (Ps. 45). I believe that He also wants them to lift up their eyes to see their place with Him seated on His throne and ruling and reigning with Him in His kingdom.
Please contend with me that the Holy Spirit will be present with us and move in power on their hearts. I have never done a women´s conference, but the Lord has, and that gives me peace!
I am going to let Dan and Emily fill you in on their day touring the work that Perry is doing here. It is truly wonderful and moving to see the heart of Jesus for the poor reaching through him.
Love to all of you!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Getting ready...whew!
On our first day there we will actually be working with a group called Samaritan International on a project which is TBA. But, we think it will be building something called a "stick house." On Friday morning we will head to Somoto and start the conferences. Justin and some of the other men will be trading times that they speak to pastors, women and youth over three days. Emily Brooks and me (the other Emily) are busy planning art lessons, games, and stressing about preparing for projects that we don't know the age of the kids or how many there are! We are really hoping that Carlos will allow us to take some of the older kids who have an interest in art to join us in painting a mural.
The weather forcast for the week is around 80-90 everyday with-get this...100% humidity. Oh goody. ha. We went and got Justin some shoes that dry really quickly today. Very necessary!
As far as raising support goes-we were getting a little concerned last week, but Praise the Lord, in the last week we have raised $1800! We now have all we need to cover our expenses, and about $400 to give away to needs as we see fit. More soon...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Nicaragua parte dos
So far, Praise the Lord we have raised $3200 for our trip! We raised $1000 of that just yesterday! We were getting a little worried, but the Lord has provided for us once again. This year lots more people will be joining us there, which I personally (Emily) am very excited about. My old college roommate Emily Brooks and her husband Jeff from Connecticut will be meeting us in Miami, a man named Chris and his two sons age 12 and 13 from Virginia, my parents, our housemate Dan, and my parents neighbor Nicole. So, it will be neat to see how the Lord uses different people's giftings. Also, I am glad to know what to expect a little better this time so I know how to pack, and have less anxiety :)
We are gathering lots of art supplies, toiletries, and have ordered 192 books in Spanish called At the Altar of Sexual Idolotry to leave for the pastors there. They have so few resources on how to help people struggling with sexual sin, yet it is so common!
More soon!