I want to bring you up to date on the needs we have been able to meet in El Salvador and Costa Rica thanks to the Lord's leading and your generous giving! We have blessed the Body of Christ in these ways on YOUR behalf! Enjoy.
El Salvador
$160 to Donald Benner, founder of Hogar Infantil Shalom, which is a wonderful orphange in San Salvador that we had the privilege of spending a day at. He is 86 years old and we got to spend some nice time with he and his wife. They are dear saints and we were blessed to sow into this ministry.
$100 to Victor and Lynn Diaz, two Assemblies of God missionaries that we met in Rodolfo's apartment complex. They are medical missionaries who have been on the field for 32 years!
Costa Rica
$200 to Josiah and Cynthia Hubbard, our hosts and Four Square missionaries to the Cebacer tribe.
$75 to paint a mural at the local school here in Josiah and Cynthia's town - the name of the town escapes me. This little mural really brightens up the school and is visible from the main road. The children have loved having us there painting.
$664 to buy pastor Heiner and his wife Nelsie sound equiptment for their church. Heiner has been holding church services in town with a little keyboard with no sound system. The second night we were here he and I were sharing some music together and he began to tell me that
So, Em and I went to a music store and were able to buy him a nice amp with two inputs, a mic, a mic stand and all the necessary chords. We blindfolded him and presented it all to him last night. He was so excited, like a little kid. He then told us how he had been asking for this for quite some time, but had not been able to find a way to raise the money. He prayed and it touched my heart to hear him give thanks. How wonderful it is to have had the opportunity to bless these dear saints on YOUR behalf!
Total Giving on this Trip: $1449.00
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