Friday, June 24, 2011

Daughter, Bride, Wife

This is Justin writing... Yesterday was our first full day to be back in Central America and I am once again in love with this part of the world! The sounds, aromas, colors, sights... I love every bit of it and cannot help but feel at home here.

I just want to share a very brief word the Lord gave me yesterday for the women´s conference I will be a part of on Saturday. As the rest of our team was touring the Managua dump and feeding programs with Perry Brown of Samaritan International, I stayed at the hotel to spend time in prayer and preparing for the speaking I will be doing. The Lord was with me in such an unusually strong way during these four hours that I am still taken back by it. I began to feel the tiniest bit of His heart for these people and was deeply crying out for Him to bring me into the fullness of it as much as I can bear.

As I was praying for the women, the Lord dropped "Daughter, Bride, Wife" into my heart and began showing me things about these three particular identities. Daugther is the place of dependence, Bride is the place of awakened love and Wife is the place of oneness. In each, the Lord develops and reveals specific things not only about the uniqueness of a woman, but also about Himself and about His heart. I don´t really have the time to go into depth now, but I truly believe that He is developing a word specifically for these 25 women that we will be ministering to on Saturday. I am extremely encouraged!

I have a stirring in my heart to see these women built up in their knowledge of how significant they are to the Father and to Jesus and to be brought into the fullness of Their love for them as daughter, bride and wife. I believe that the Father wants them to know how much He delights in them as His precious daugthers and how much joy they bring to His heart. I believe that Jesus wants them to know the burning love of the Bridegroom and how much "the King desires their beauty" (Ps. 45). I believe that He also wants them to lift up their eyes to see their place with Him seated on His throne and ruling and reigning with Him in His kingdom.

Please contend with me that the Holy Spirit will be present with us and move in power on their hearts. I have never done a women´s conference, but the Lord has, and that gives me peace!

I am going to let Dan and Emily fill you in on their day touring the work that Perry is doing here. It is truly wonderful and moving to see the heart of Jesus for the poor reaching through him.

Love to all of you!


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