Monday, June 27, 2011

Emily on Monday am

This is Emily... while Justin has been sharing, the other Emily and I have started painting a mural on the bus. It´s an interesting thing because we have NO idea if it will stick to the bus or peel off. We are hoping to seal it and make it stay. There are 4 boys who are really interested in art that have been assigned to us to help us. We have to keep it simple, so we are painting a garden scene with a bike and a tree (we think!) around the words Jardin del ninos. That is the actual name of the orphanage, which is garden of children. The boys are really excited about helping us, so we are letting them do as much as possible without sacrificing the success of the project!
We taught a class about drawing faces yesterday, as well as talking about thankfulness, and making cards for people who we are thankful for. We talked about Joseph and his colorful coat, and how God uses bad things to create good.
Jeff built a gaga pit, which for those of you who are not familiar with that...has NOTHING to do with Lady Gaga. ha. It is a game with a ball where you have to stay inside this wooden wall while you play. He has also fixed some bikes and replaced a toilet seat that was held on by one rusty wire, so it was like an adventure every time you sat down.
I don´t know how many of you have traveled to places with outdoor latrines, but the night time is um....very exciting. I have a headlamp, which I am eternally grateful for...but man, it is SCARY to go into the complete darkness, open a scary little tin and wood hut and lift this lid and peer into a hole that goes until you can´t see the end. I feel so vunerable like a huge monster or insect is going to come out and eat me at any second. But, nature calls. I guess my other option is just go in the street like lots of other people do.
I love the chickens that are always wandering around. ,Eating bugs and grass and anything that might have been dropped. The cows and mules that have decided to hang out in the middle of the highway and have no intention of moving just because you are in a bus honking at them. The oxen that live in the front yard of a home in the middle of the city. It´s just great that the government isn´t chickens allowed. It really is kind of silly that we have created places where we can´t have things that would make us self sustaining! But, this government doesn´t do much else right, so I guess it´s a massive tradeoff.
I am off to breakfast!

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