We haven't written much since getting to Costa Rica, because quite honestly, our bodies are not very happy with us. Two days ago I almost blacked out...I was standing talking and suddenly I was burning hot and sweating, and dizzy and my stomach ached. I headed home and took a nap and drank lots of water, and felt a little better. But, my stomach still hurt and acted terribly for the next two days. I had to take medicine, but then that had a side effect of nausea, and then I had to take a medicine for that! Yesterday Ben seemed to get the same thing I had and ended up not being able to go to church with us. He had a fever and slept for hours. Then one of the people who lives here got it too today...boo!
But, thank the Lord, we are all much better today. Still some unpleasant side effects of the onslaught of unusual foods, etc. But, MUCH better!
Last night Justin spoke to a large youth group about relationships and marriage, and then this morning he spoke to a church about Hebrews 12. They both went very well! Tonight Ben shared his testimony with a small church here, and we lead a few songs.
Ben and I have been working hard on a mural on the outside of an elementary school. The principle asked us for a very specific design, which isn't our favorite, but we are doing our best! The wall is just about as bumpy as you can imagine.
I'm glad you all are feeling better. did you take a picture of the mural after it was finished? I felt sorry for the squirrel with no eyes.