Saturday, June 19, 2010

Giving Report: Nicaragua

We were blessed to arrive in Central America with $1200 in offerings to sow into needs as the Lord leads us. Prior to our trip we were praying and believing for this amount to come in over and above the finances we needed for expenses, and with two days to go we were at $1187! Then a few more offerings pushed us over the top and we rejoiced in God´s amazing provision.

There are so many needs around us that ifwe had ten times that amount we would have no trouble giving it away to justifiable causes. Here is a recap of what we gave in Nicaragua.
  1. $170 to pay a car repair bill for a 75 year old local pastor named Donatillo. He was in a car accident while we were there and that was the total of the bill - for him, a HUGE amount.
  2. $200 to put two new tires on Donatillo's 1988 Toyota Land Cruiser with 365,000 miles on it. He goes all through these mountainous dirt roads visiting churches he oversees and people he ministers to. He is a true Patriarch and elder minister in the Somoto area. His rear tires were nearly bald and I was determined to solve that. Incidentally, he has no radiator cap and uses a Walmart bag to keep the hot water in his radiator from coming out while the engine is running. Chuck is working on finding him a cap in a junk yard in Cincy. unbelieveable.
  3. $60 to build a fence around the futbol field at Kids of Cascabel. Until now, they have routinely had to climb over a barbed wire fence to retrieve their futbols - running the risk of seriously hurting themselves. When Ben saw this he said we have to do something before one of these kids gets seriously injured. He wrote a blog entry about it. Check it out!
  4. $20 for two new futbols. They have gone through 30 in the last several months due to the barbed wire fence.

Total: $450

Praise the Lord and THANK YOU to all of you who gave so generously. How wonderful it is to come here with an ABUNDANCE to help people with needs large and small!


  1. This is Emily...AND we gave them clothes pins. They handwash all their clothes and dry them, and they had no clothes pins so everything was always falling off in the wind!

  2. praise the Lord for his provision & for His faithfulness! i love seeing and reading what you guys (and the Lord) are up to down there. praying this morning specifically for el salvador....I've been praying for "health & healing of hearts", that the Lord would give you guys special insight into some people you meet, and that He would do works of healing (in all facets) while you are there. we're praying for you guys! and we love you
