how do you spell diarreah..is that it? di..arr..eeaah...something like that.
now that we have a spelling...how do you stop it???
Anyways, we are headed to Costa Rica in a few hours. El salvador, one of the more dangerous parts of our trip, has gone smoothly hallelujah. (pronounced hal leh loo JAH in español)
We spent last night at a very nice restaurant with the Rodolpho and his family (our hosts). the food and company was wonderful. then we went to a nearby cafe where justin talked coffee with rodolpho and the employees and raved about the quality of the cafe. i thought of isaac. the baurista that works there is in london in a latte art slash expresso competition. oh..and cultural side note...the US won there futbol match..and we advanced. very respectable. futbol is obsessive over here.
well dear friends..we miss you. we are praying for you. we are down to the final 10 to 11 days. pray that we will finish strong by God´s power. Pray for a shoring of bowels and a healing of coughs and creeks and pains. thanks so much for your support. we have been able to bless so many people...amazing..spirit filled people...with the money you all have provided.
God bless you all.
love ben
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