This is Emily.
The people we are staying with this weekend decided that we seemed very tired. (true) So, they took us to the beach and left us there all day yesterday at a little house someone owned where we read and napped and talked all day. It was a complete pleasure and greatly needed! Jesus went to be alone and spend time with God, and we needed to as well! Ben tried to climb up a palm tree to get a coconut and scraped his body doing so, and I drank my first coconut milk straight from the nut. I think this would have been much better had it been cold...instead of sitting in the hot sun all day. But, fun none the less!
We then attended a graduation party of the gal who is staying here as well. Today we went to church and felt like total foreigners because we wore headphones that they translated into for us. Try blending in like that!
Today we went to a town a bit away and then ended up at a beautiful waterfall on a coffee farm in the forest, which was by far the highlight! It was FREEZING, and who knows
what bacteria may live in it, but it was great fun! To get there however, we had to ride on the freeway in the back of a pick up truck for over an hour. I put on sunscreen for sure, but apparently I am very bad at making sure of full coverage. I have really bad burns in the strangest places. The sun is very strong here! In a little over an hour i got burned on my left hand, left shoulder, right knee and REALLY bad on my left knee. Please pray it doesn´t burn. It hurts pretty bad at the moment, despite the ice, aloe, and fan I have put on it repeatedly.
We had a chance to eat one of their traditional foods tonight called a papusa. it´s basically a glorified quesadilla. my stomache was not pleased. 
Justin asked them if we could make one...which the ladies thought was very funny, but they let us! I can´t believe they cook all this stuff over wood fires still. It is showing me how much I just assume is part of life. It´s hard for me to realize that so much of the world still doesn´t even have running water in their homes or communities. This is us making one!
Ben always did love to climb trees! The waterfall looks wonderful and refreshing! The papusa wasn't like Taco Bell huh?! We're so glad you guys got to have some R&R!
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